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Crowdfunding Kampagne für Klage gegen Projekt Vila Formosa


The project "Touristic and Environmental Development of Vila Formosa” is the most recent threat to the heritage of Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina, in Portugal, which is considered one of the Europe's best-preserved coastline areas, with unique species of wild fauna and flora.

There is a real risk of urbanization of a 55 hectares area in the municipality of Odemira, located less than 2 kilometres from the coast, involving a hotel, two touristic villages and also entertainment facilities for sport practice and thematic events. This investment will destroy the habitat of endemic species of flora and fauna, such as Ononis hackelli, a plant classified as highest conservation priority, and the Cabrera's Vole (Microtus cabrerae) habitat. It is likely to have potential impacts in the Mira River estuary as well
