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Eselwandern: April-Mai 2011: Via Algarviana Ost -> West.



29. April – 15. Mai
Auf der (GR 13) von Alcoutim nach Aljezur
Von der spanischen Grenze zur Westküste


In Zusammenarbeit mit

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The donkeys will be our luggage transporter, but first of all: Life and soul of our journey! Our rhythm is the donkeys rhythm, 3-5km/ hour, 15 km average per day, because, slow is beautiful!
Basic-Rate: 33 €/ Day/ pax
Includes tour guide, luggage transport by the donkeys (1 for 1-3 participants), accident insurance, Via Algarviana Eco Tax, donkey transport to Alcoutim.
Additional expenses (individually payed daily)
  • Board & lodging; average out +/- 40 €/ Day (Twin Room/ shared room)
    Calculate 5€ Breakfast, 5 € lunch-snack, 8 € - 18€ dinner; accommodation 12,50 € - 42,50 €.
  • 3-4 Transfers (2 € - 4 € pax, each)
  • Arrival at Alcoutim, departure from Aljezur or from other arrival/ departure points.
We will have a variety of accommodations, youth hostel, rural guest house, pension, hotel, private guest house, biwak. Single room are not always available!
  • Breakfast is often included in the accommodation rate. Some are really stunningly delicious!
  • Lunch-snack is your responsibility
  • Dinner: Sometimes a local restaurant (10 € - 18 €), other times we have a kitchen at our disposal and will cook ourself.
The Route/ Daily sections
We use the recommended sections, but as our rhythm is „slow is beautiful“, with less km daily. we will have some additional stops:
  1. Afonso Vicente (between Alcoutim and Balurcos)
  2. Parizes/ Lajes
  3. S. Estevao (between SB Messines and Silves)
  4. Brejerao (between Silves & Monchique)
  5. Picota (Betw. Silves & Monchique)
Donkey Trekking. Three really good reasons:
  1. Enjoyment .
  2. Carrying your pack .
  3. Rhythm . Slow is beautiful
Luggage on the donkeys back is limited to 10kg per person! Excess of weight you will have to carry by yourself.
Booking via burros.artes@gmail.com or by post,
burros & artes, Sofia von Mentzingen
Vale das Amoreiras
Apartado 19, 8670-909 Aljezur, Portugal
Anmeldefrist: 8. April!
